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Q: Do you use computers to create your artwork?

No! Definitely not. All my art is completed from start to finish working by hand.

Q: Do you wet the coloured pencils as part of the technique?

This is probably the question I'm most often asked. The answer is no I don't. The Prismacolor pencils that I use are quite soft and very blendable which means that by applying several colours at once I can achieve a colour to match the exact shade that I'm looking for.

Q: Do you work from photographs?

Occasionally if a piece is quite small I sit and work on it on location however mostly it will take me so long to complete that this isn't possible. I will visit and take photographs and sometimes sketches to give me sufficient reference. I then take this back and create a drawing from the information gathered working in my studio.

Q: How do you decide which scene to feature?

Always a hard one this...I tend towards compositions which combine a richness of detail, strong colouration and interesting play of light. I have to like the subject as well, whether its a building or a car or a flower. I have a passion for buildings of course and I particularly like art nouveau however there would be nothing to stop me featuring a modern building if it had the correct ingredients.

I'm always looking for new challenges and I really appreciate suggestions. Why not drop me a line if you have any recommendations?

Q: How long does it take you to finish a new picture?

Each original will take me months to complete. That's not to say that I dedicate every waking hour to my drawing...far from it. Typically a major me piece would take me between 130 to 150 hours from start to finish.

Q: What kind of coloured pencils do you use

use PrismaColor pencils which I have to import from the US. I find these to be the only pencil available on the market that is soft enough. They also have a huge range of colours to choose from. All my work is carried out using these pencils exclusively.

I order them online and if you cut and paste this link you will be able to order them for yourself.

Q: What kind of paper do you use?

I use Arches 'not' rough paper.

Q: What medium do you use for your artwork?

Having created a pencil measured drawing I complete the work in colour pencils and this is the technique I use for all my work. The colour pencils are a soft pastel pencil called PRISMACOLOR which can be bought online.

Visit this fabulous site which I use called Ibuyonepencil