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Denise Martin

Thank you for advising of the new website - it looks great! I seem to remember though (correct me if I'm wrong), that on the old site, you had a description of the steps taken when you are working on a piece. I found that extremely interesting, and I'm sure other aspiring artists would, as well.

Do you ever come to Australia, and conduct workshops? Just love your work.


I was taken on an evening tour of Bristol Old Town recently and was amazed at the once very grand and important buildings now looking a bit tired and sorry for themselves. It may not be your thing but at the time it occurred to me I would love to see some "paired architectural paintings" of the look and surroundings of the buildings in their hayday and another of them in their modern setting looking lovely and still impressive but just a bit rough around the edges.

Paintings that caught the feel of the building- Ok, maybe its a Cr.p idea but the walk round the old town left me impresssed but sad all at the same time - there's a fantastic building that is now a pub. All my mates were drinking and I just wandered off looking round the interior imagining what it would have been like when it was a centre for trade.


thank you for the mounted print (29 Avenue Rapp) that you sent to me - Its beautiful - Im so pleased with it - I just have to find somewhere to put it now.


Really impressed with the web page but I would definitely take your photograph off your website. Looking to buy some Xmas presents and before your name goes up in Bristol artist since BANKSY


We all live under the same sun, we all see the same things by its light, but not many can show how they see it the way Alasteir does with his superb use of colour & aerial perspective.


Saw the outline details of the Mudeford beach huts, it is looking good. Four of the huts burned down earlier in the year and they are currently rebuilding them.

I will look forward to viewing progress on your web site.

Keep up the good work

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